The Coronavirus: Seven Things to Consider

Darren Allen

Something ain’t right.1 There doesn’t seem to be much clarity about the state of affairs, but plenty of confidence. Everyone knows a nurse, doctor, epidemiologist and journalist these days, and a look through the paps; well, everything looks so plausible. Look at those figures! To address the freakish uniformity of thought on the subject, here is a summary list, in no particular order, of 7 skeptical or critical points which, I’m fairly confident, are either true or, at the very least, are matters worth seriously investigating. These are based on the testimony of friends in positions to observe what is going on (yes, I too know an expert), my own rather cursory research of the available facts and my understanding of the civilised system, which I’ve spent a long time investigating.

  1. Governments appear to be inflating C-19 deaths by being very lax about what constitutes ‘death by coronavirus’. (see this critical account of UK reporting, or this one — Italy and Germany appear to be doing much the same. An overview here). The WHO appears to be basing their figure of ‘3 – 4%’ mortality rate only on those patients who were treated in a hospital. Germany, South Korea and Iceland have returned death rates of 0.37%0.6% and 0.4% respectively2: only slightly higher than flu. If this is the case, why would the WHO inflate deaths in this way? Anything to do with GlaxoSmithKline, Bayer AG, Sanofi and Merck being principle donors?
  2. Governments around the world have used the virus as a pretext to pass an extraordinary number of chillingly authoritarian laws restricting freedom of movement and freedom of speech and vastly expanding systems of surveillance and [police] control (see this twitter thread for an incomplete sample, more here). These are very unlikely to be repealed (the Patriot Act was supposed to be temporary), and worse is sure to come. But. Those laws were going to be passed anyway. Government legislation only ever goes in one direction — more control. As society begins to break down, the net will tighten further; all, of course, ‘for our benefit’.
  3. 50 – 80% of people infected with Sars-Cov-2 never experience any symptoms (see, for example, here). The BMJ reports that 80% of cases are asymptomatic. The UK Office of National Statistics found that of the 3,372 deaths recorded with underlying C19, approximately 3,068 had at least one comorbidity with the majority having more than two. These are not the findings of ‘conspiracy theorists’. This Stanford anti-body study concluded that the fatality rate if infected is likely to be 0.1 to 0.2 percent. So far, even with the questionable figures of Authority, Covid-19 has killed the same number of people in the UK as the 1999/2000 flu (around 22,000) and around the same number of people in the US as the 2017/2018 flu (around 100,000). Even if those flu figures are overstated — Jesus, even if double or triple the number of people die from the coronavirus as in 2017 or 2000, that’s hardly a good enough reason to lock the country into a heavily policed panic room.
  4. Plenty of countries who have not instigated lockdown seem to be doing just fine; so why do we need it? For the most part ICUs don’t appear to be overrun (Spanish hospitals regularly collapse from flu). How many people are now dying at home because they can’t or won’t go to a hospital? And why is the British Conservative party, whose murderous policies the United Nations recently concluded ‘have led to the systematic immiseration of millions across Great Britain’ suddenly so very worried about the fate of a few thousand OAPs? When it no longer even believes Covid-19 to be a high-consequence infectious disease? Why does any government suddenly care so much about the old and infirm?
  5. The lockdown is going to create an unbelievable, horrific depression.3 I’m not sure anyone is disputing that. It seems likely that the coming market-collapse will kill many more people that the coronavirus will, even without lockdown. It would appear that governments have put in place police-states to police the horrendous states that will result from putting in place police states. But. The depression was certain to happen anyway. Financial bubbles always burst and the global inflationary superbubble we’ve been living in for the past few decades has been on the point of a final, shattering pop for twenty years; a vent appeared in 2008 and was patched up, but the swelling never stopped. Elites have known for as long as I have that, one way or another, catastrophe is coming. What kinds of plans have they made or are they making?


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