1. If this then is not a virus then what is it? I personally know several several people that have gotten it and some have ended in the hospital. It spreads very easily and from a cough turns in to pneumonia . Even it is not a pandemic it is something? So many are sick and it did not go away in the summer like an ordinary flu. I am looking for answers.
    Also I am having trouble with the thought that the “elite” want to exterminate us while trying to save us? Why not just say it is the flu and let it run it’s course and they would have what they want “depopulation” ? Is it because it will now kill enough people? They could just sit back and wait, like a lion tracking injured prey.

  2. I can see you are very new to the truth. You must do your own research. Check The Georgia Guide Stones.
    COVID-19 does not exist as a novel virus. Thousands of doctors attest to this fact. Its is seasonal colds and flu.
    There are no more deaths than usual (except when ill people were sent to care homes and “normal medication was with-held).
    Research the Rockefeller foundation 2010 documents, Research The Great Reset, Research Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030.
    You will eventually come to know the truth. Hopefully, not too late.

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