Inventor of the mRNA vaccine Dr. Malone, breaks down the “mass formation” phenomenon that makes it difficult to reason with those who have fallen victim to the globalist propaganda.


One Reply to “Inventor of the mRNA vaccine Dr. Malone, breaks down the “mass formation” phenomenon that makes it difficult to reason with those who have fallen victim to the globalist propaganda.”

  1. I have to agree with Dr. Martin* as he so beautifully explains, we MUST change our language. STOP calling this bioweapon shot a vaccine. We canNOT win this war as long as we keep referring to it as a vaccine. Further, we must stop referring to it as a virus knowing it is in fact manufactured in a lab. That\’s why they\’ve never been able to isolate the pathogen descriptive of a virus. It\’s all manufactured. This madness is the result of one huge manufactured lie pushing a totaliarian agenda. For this reason, I believe, anti-vaxxers are more awake than anyone. These viruses seem to be nothing more than the flu mutating into its various forms. Until people begin again calling what they have as the cold or flu, this \”covidhypofobia\” will continue. Words have power. We need to change our language to win back our freedom.


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